Broken Yoke Publishing will consider manuscripts that meet our Manuscript Requirements guidelines. Manuscripts that meet our standards and fit our marketing needs may be offered a Standard Publishing contract. Those that do not fit our business objectives are sometimes offered the Publisher Assist Package.
A manuscript that meets our standards and needs may be offered a contract that generally includes the following:
- ISBN provided by the publisher.
- Publisher shall have the right to edit and revise the work provided that the meaning of the work is not materially altered. [The submitted manuscript must already be edited and free of spelling and grammar mistakes.]
- Publisher shall have the right to manufacture, distribute, advertise, promote and publish the Work in a style and manner which Publisher deems appropriate, including typesetting, paper, printing, binding, cover design, imprint, title, e-book formats, and prices.
- Publication within 12 months of manuscript delivery.
- Four author copies provided by publisher.
- Author shall be permitted to purchase additional copies, royalty-free, of the work, for personal use or for resale, at publisher’s cost plus a 25% handling fee plus the actual shipping cost.
- If the work is adapted by the publisher into a Graphic Novel, then the author shall be permitted to purchase additional copies, royalty-free, of the Graphic Novel, for personal use or for resale, at publisher’s cost plus a 60% handling fee plus the actual shipping cost.
- Generous royalty percentage.
- Sale of your book on our BrokenYokePublishing.com online store.
- Active promotion of your book through other outlets as a part of the Broken Yoke Publishing line of books.
- Promotion of your book on social media.
- The option for shared expense ad campaigns. Cost is split between author and publisher.
Manuscripts that do not fit our business objectives may be offered the Publisher Assist Package.
This package generally includes the following:
- BYP will not do editing of storyline or for spelling and grammar errors. We can recommend an editor to assist you. The editor will be paid directly by the author.
- We can recommend someone to create your book cover design. The graphic artist will be paid directly by the author.
- If you present a manuscript and cover that is print ready, fully edited and formatted for the desired book dimensions, BYP will arrange printing. Your book then will be listed on our Set Free Books online store.
- BYP can format your edited manuscript to meet printing requirements. We charge a rate of $100 per hour for our services. It takes about six to eight hours to print format an average manuscript. Books with special layouts, like pictures or graphic artwork, can take over one hundred hours.
- Author shall be permitted to purchase copies, royalty-free, of the work, for personal use or for resale, at publisher’s cost plus a 25% handling fee plus the actual shipping cost.
- A royalty of 50% of Net Revenues from the sale of any and all net copies sold by BYP through Publisher’s website(s) or by mail order or person to person sales, except for sales of Author’s copies.
- Book sold on Amazon.
Send us an e-mail request for a copy of our manuscript requirements.