Kellyn Trapp is a visual Artist, Instructor and Writer. As a self-taught artist and writer, her journey began five years ago when she sought a deeper, more intimate connection with God. Kellyn discovered this connection through the transformative practice of journaling, writing, and art. Through acrylic paint, watercolor, collage, and other mediums, she expresses her creativity and finds joy in creating with God and sharing experiences on her blog.
Kellyn’s personal relationship with God deeply influences her writing and artwork. She encourages others to explore the hidden stories within their own lives, using art as a pathway to joy, peace, and healing. Through her creative events, retreats, and prophetic art classes, she guides others in discovering their unique creative voices and spiritual connections.
With a passion for building community, she brings like-minded creatives together both online and in person, fostering a space where artistic expression meets growth.
Kellyn is always up for an adventure, inclined toward limitless possibilities.

Darlene Welsh now lives in Grand Junction, Colorado. Following her retirement in Pennsylvania, she and her husband traveled by car, bus, train, ship, airplane, and RV throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. These various opportunities enabled her to see the differences as well as the similarities between all people groups they encountered. Her husband was a great source of encouragement to record their experiences and later share them with others
Now the time has come for her to share different types of experiences about the joy of her life, the precious God-given grandchildren, as she is encouraged to do so by our LORD.
You can find her at:

Robert Trapp aka Bobby, lives in Connecticut with his wife, Kellyn. Bobby is a musician, artist, and author. He utilizes music, visual art, writing, and speaking to bring a message of hope and love. His ability to create with a childlike mindset encourages others to let go of fear and anxiety. Bobby enjoys strumming his guitar, bass, or banjo, and is also an avid outdoorsman. Through Trapp Ministries, he and Kellyn use a unique blend of art, music, and creativity as a form of worship and healing to love people back to life.
Bob can be reached through

Robin Densmore-Fuson lives in Sugarmill Woods, Florida with her husband Jimmy and their Belgian Malinois, Kenzi. She and her husband celebrate an overflowing cup of blessings with seventeen grandchildren. Robin loves company and challenging her young guests to discover the many giraffes in the obvious and hidden nooks and crannies of their home. An award winner for romance and flash fiction, Robin is multi-published in both fiction and non-fiction and has written well over a hundred stories on her blog for children. Two of her novellas are finalists in the 2020 Selah awards. You can find her at:

Growing up, Debra Lueck discovered books could take her on adventures she only dreamed of. Intrigued by an author’s ability to put words on paper to create a scene, elicit an emotion, and encourage imagination, she tried her hand at writing at a young age. A spark ignited and grew into a full-fledged flame when she discovered she could express herself best with written words.
A lifetime later, the adventures she’d only read about became a reality when God called her to Africa. In the bush country of Zambia she went to work building and running an orphanage that became home to an average of eighty-five children.
Her experiences and the people she came to know while there inspired her first two novels. Her many travels have taken her to exotic locales she never dreamed of seeing and given her an abundance of experiences and ideas to store away for future writing endeavors. Whether the setting is historical or contemporary, she strives to weave stories that incorporate the rich past of historical events with suspense, love, social issues, and the ever-present human condition with
an eye toward writing fiction that educates, entertains, evokes emotion, and inspires action.
Today, she calls Montrose, Colorado home, where she enjoys living and playing in God’s incredible backyard. Debra is a multi-published member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Word Weavers International.
You can contact her at

Templa Melnick lives in Grand Junction, Colorado with her husband, Chris, their Mini Aussie, Maggie, and a flock of extremely pampered chickens. She and her husband are Mimi and Granddad to seven adorable and talented grandchildren. (Six of the seven grands are twins! Yep… three sets of twins). In addition to writing, Templa is an artist, who loves to paint with her grandchildren.
You can find her at:

Jessica Bertrand resides on the Western Slope of beautiful Colorado. She’s an award-winning flash fiction author and history buff. When she isn’t writing, she can be found with her nose in a book, hanging out with her family and friends, or getting entangled in her various yarn projects.
You can find her at
As a teenager, Chris Melnick had a step-father who was Jewish. This led to his interest in the Jewish foundations of Christianity. He has spent four decades discovering those roots. Learning and studying Hebrew and Aramaic are a particular passion.
Chris married his high school sweetheart, author and publisher Templa Melnick, together they raised three boys who grew to be amazing men of God. They are blessed to have all three of their sons and their families living nearby. They have seven “grand blessings” that include two sets of twins.